
An Inner Journey of Self Discovery

Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom.

Debendra Manandhar on 01 May, 2023

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Self-Discovery is about Knowing Yourself - Knowing Who You Really Are!!! By knowing who you truly are, you can Become the One that You Really Want to Be, and can Live the Life that You Truly Want to Live!

“Discovering who you are today will lead you to who you become tomorrow.” is what Destiny’s Odyssey has the message for all of us to ponder upon for a lifetime.

Self-Discovery is the beginning step for personal growth and personal development. And, it’s a lifelong quest to find your next level.

We all have our dreams and hopes for our life. We all have our Purpose in life. And we all have our Core Values.

Self-Discovery is about finding out your important Dreams, your Passion and your PURPOSE. Once you know yourself clearly, it will help you to focus on

achieving them.

It’s not only about achieving your dreams and hopes, but also about knowing clearly the WHYs behind them, that is, “WHY these dreams hold so much importance to you”.

Moreover, HOW do you achieve them also holds greater importance. Thus living in alignment with your Core Values is very important. Only when you are living according to your Core Values, you will feel sense of fulfillment and that too with a greater sense of inner satisfaction in your life. Otherwise, just being ‘Successful’ may give you materialistic and outer possessions, but not the inner satisfaction that you want to delve into. You will still be stuck with a feeling that something significant is ‘Missing out’ in your life.

Some helpful practices:

Self-Awareness and Self-Reflections

And the journey of Self-discovery begins with that Self-Awareness; which is raised through the habit of Self-Reflection. that can’t be built in a day but through rigorous everyday practice.


Self-awareness is about being aware of yourself – being aware of your habits, your emotions, your patterns, the way you act, behave, respond and so on.


It’s about taking time with yourself by being Still and Quiet, and asking yourself the questions that will help you know more about yourself, and by being with yourself will enable you to listen to your own inner voice. Through the process of self-reflection, one gains deeper understanding of one’s own self, Dreams, Purpose, Character and Values that matter to you in leading a Life that you want to Live.

Being Still

Being still and being Quiet, taking time with and for oneself and to have time for Self-Reflection will allow you to refocus your mind and will enable you to visualize your true, Inner Self!

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